Saturday, February 5, 2011

$200k - HA!

HA!  I say!  I laugh in the face of $200k.

If you pay attention to the sidebar on this blog you will notice that the amount of money we're saving is totally different.  And by totally different - I really mean double.
*Hint - it's listed in my profile info.*

What led to that drastic change was a meeting with this lady: Lynn Taylor
She is a pseudo architect that has a bajillion years of experience with old houses.  And we spent almost 2 hours walking through our house and talking about all the stuff that's floating around in our heads.

Good News -
What we want to do inside is completely doable.
Bad News -
We don't think we can change the front of the house b/c we're in a historical conservation overlay - boo.
This means that this:
May not be possible.  The front of a house is sacred in historical overlay land. 

And then there's the bottom line - we've got a LOT of saving to do, otherwise none of it really matters.


  1. Wow! Too bad about the front. Did you like what she had to say otherwise?

  2. We did like what she had to say. But we're only one architect in and we will get more quotes before making a decision.
