Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ok, so I have a few weekends to cover here....

Weekend of March 4 - 
So we took Friday off.  Why on a random chilly day would we do that, you ask....
Well, we had to go and pick out our new puppy.  Yup, we're a 3 dog household now.

Meet Griffin:
He's about 5 months old and he's the most laid back puppy I've ever seen.  Laid back to the tune of we have to wake him up to eat and go outside.  We're smitten, we're in love, we think he's the best thing since beer.  I feel sorry for all of you once we have kids b/c this guy is all we can talk about anymore - kids are a whole other level.

On Saturday and Sunday - it was rainy, cold, and wet.  We learned that Mr. Giff doesn't really care for those conditions.  Evidenced by the fact that he wouldn't actually go to the bathroom - that guy held it ALL day long.  We know this b/c we were outside with him in the rain, cold, and wet ALL. day. long.  5 minutes inside and then 10 minutes outside.  It was a LONG day.  But eventually we won.  And we haven't had an accident since....that wasn't our fault.

No Sunday movie.  For no reason at all.  I don't know why we skipped it.

Weekend of March 11 -
Mike came to town for a date on Friday night.  Matt and I stayed home and watched TV.

SaturDAY started with puppy training class with Dogs and Kat.  We've got a pit bull and we plan to turn around as many minds about this breed as possible -he has to be an ambassador for the breed which means a TON of training.
It was beautiful out so after training and a trip to Hot Diggity Dog for lunch,  it was time for our all day drinking party.  The first pretty Saturday of the year, you just have to spend it on a porch.  So we started in our back yard and then we all headed over to Lester and Dooze's to finish out the evening.

Our Sunday Morning movie has just been completely forgotten about....that always seems to happen when Mike's in town.  Instead we had another day of drinking on the porch.  And we started another project - but that's a separate post.

Weekend of March 18 - 
I have no idea what we did on Friday night.   I'm pretty sure Sakah came over and we began the evening on the front porch.  I dunno what we did for dinner - ordered in something, I'm sure.

SaturDAY - 2nd puppy training class and then came all the prep for Marchgiving.  This was the biggest year yet.
Guest list included:
The Heads - brought the stuffing and the cranberry sauce
The Hawks - brought the rolls and the dessert
Sakah - brought the corn and green bean casseroles
Ronnie and Liz - brought the broccoli casserole
and Chris (who left Japan 18 hours before the quake hit) - he didn't have to bring anything.
Matt and I supplied the turkey, sweet potato casserole and mashed potatoes.

Marchgiving was a success and I know this b/c I have only one picture (of the food) and had a clogged kitchen sink once it was all said and done.  The dishes weren't done until Sunday night.  Maybe I'll upload the picture later....but probably not.

SunDAY - No Sunday morning movie.  Chris stayed with us and since we didn't have any clean dishes (all were used for the Marchgiving festivities,) we went for coffee and breakfast at Ugly Mugs.  About 3 blocks down the street.
RotoRooter was waiting in our driveway when we got back.  After telling us they wanted $350 to snake the drain - we said - uh, no thank you.  And Arthur the Plumber (our regular Harley riding, pony tail having plumber) made an appearance later in the afternoon.  By that time, Sam had made his way over and the 4 of us were on the front porch again with a game of "bags" and some beer.  The perfect way to spend a Sunday.

And finally, this weekend - 
Friday - we took a half day to get some life insurance and have our taxes done.  Grown up stuff.  Turns out we had to put off the taxes but we did get some life insurance.

SaturDAY - puppy training and then Gabby's Burgers - Oh. My. God.  Awesome.  So awesome that we had to come home and take a nap.  Plus it was cold and rainy outside - so we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening  on the couch watching basketball and planning our vegetable garden.

SunDAY - No Sunday morning movie - we had to go to puppy play time.  Our trainer also does puppy play sessions so that the little guy will learn to play well with others.  The added benefit is that it wears his little ass out and he sleeps for 2 days afterwords.
We (Griff in tow) headed to Lebanon to get our taxes done - Jimmy Bowen is our tax man.  He's also a musician.  Jimmy Bowen and Santa Fe  He tours and stuff - but not during tax season.
We hit the Home Depot on the way home.  $200 later - we're home and watching NPT learning about Buddhism. 

Now you're up to date -
See you family humans in a few weeks in New Madrid.  We're bringing Mr. Griff so everyone can meet him and so we can get some extra points on the socialization contest our trainer is having.  We're gonna WIN!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

This Weekend - one week late.

Sakah made it official!
Mike showed up Friday afternoon since he was the "preacher" for the affair.
Matt was a groomsman and I just hung out the whole weekend.

Friday night - The Un-Rehearsal dinner at Daniel's house in Franklin.  Not a bit of rehearsing but a ton of eating and drinking.

SaturDay - Matt went to work early his first Saturday of work since Sears.  Mike and I hit Pucketts Grocery with Sam, Steve, and Lisa for brunch.  Highly recommend.  Bloody Mary's and biscuits and gravy are the perfect start to any day.  Matt met us there around 11a then we went home took a nap and got ready for the wedding.
Mike and Matt doing "the Lenor."
Matt was NOT into getting his picture taken...PUNK.

Saturday Night - The wedding went off without a hitch, the food was good, and the party was awesome.
Lester and Dooze.

And Dez. Was the perfect gentleman - slept through almost the whole reception.

Steve and Lisa.  Lisa was the DD - love her for that.

They weren't so sure about the champagne punch.

So the only thing to do in a situation like that is drink it like a shot.

A toast straight from Steve's wedding week: "Here's to fires, not the ones that bring down shacks and shanties, but the ones that bring down pants and panties."

Down the hatch.

Apparently Mike and Sam didn't get the memo about shooting the champagne punch.

Steve and I did and we promptly called them both Pusoirs (said poo-swah - French for pussy.)

And then we were proud of ourselves....

And then we were proud of Sam.

The last shot of any night that the 4 of us are together at an event....for the last 3-4 years.
After this we hit the road with to-go cups of soda - for the Jack Daniels that was waiting in the car.  By the time we made it back to Nashville, I was done.  Sleeping on the bathroom floor - done.  Great party.

SunDay - no movie of the week today.  Since Mike was camped out on the couch, I couldn't live there all day.  Someone made the suggestion that we all have a Bloody Mary - and we did....All. Day. Long.  Sakah came over about 3p and we talked about the wedding over "brunch" at Mad Donna's. 
Back on the front porch, Mike and I continued to celebrate the nuptials.....while Matt - 
pretended to be a grown up and drank water on the couch until dinner time.
We wrapped up the weekend with a nice greasy dinner at Batter'd and Fried, again with Sakah.  It was a perfect wedding weekend, if I do say so myself.